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From a young age, Grace found solace and joy in the harmonies of children's choirs, sparking a lifelong love affair with music. But it was in 2018, when Grace joined the YVR Pop Choir, that she truly discovered the transformative power of singing as a form of self-expression. Chorus Studio's vibrant community embraced her with open arms, and with each practice and performance, her passion ignited, illuminating the stage with her contagious energy.


But Grace's devotion to the musical arts is not limited to her vocal talents alone. She has taken on a leadership role, organizing a diverse array of events that bring the community closer together. From joyful karaoke nights to member-focused functions that celebrate the unique talents of each individual, Grace's relentless dedication ensures that every member of our community feels seen and valued. She has also made her mark on the wider artistic landscape by stage-managing benefit concerts and events such as our 2023 performance at the prestigious Flagship TED Conference, helping to facilitate impeccable performances that leave a lasting impact on all those fortunate enough to witness them.


Despite her deep involvement in the music world, Grace's commitment extends beyond the choir and onto the paths of healing in her career as a healthcare professional. As a senior instructor at a local college—where she imparts her knowledge and experiences to future healthcare practitioners—Grace has found the perfect balance between her two passions. Grace's kind heart and unwavering dedication are undeniable and her impact on both her communities is immeasurable. 


Grace is a member of two Chorus Studio choirs: B-Roll and Spotlight, where she proudly serves as Mezzo section leader.

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